Share your thoughts on the 1-4 Unit Housing Study
Duplexes and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) can add vibrancy to a community.
Join City staff, District Council representatives, and residents at a virtual engagement session to provide input for Phase 2 of the 1-4 Unit Housing Study! This study is evaluating the potential to create more smaller, neighborhood-scale housing types that are missing across the city.
Smaller, neighborhood-scale housing types are a key component to maintaining current housing needs and meeting future demand. Examples include:
Duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes
Cluster/cottage homes
Phase 2 of the study is focused on evaluating additional zoning flexibility to support greater housing diversity in more places as well as facilitating more types of single-family homes, such as cottage homes clustered around a common courtyard or greenspace, townhomes, and accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
Join us for a virtual engagement session to learn more about the 1-4 Unit Housing Study and share your ideas on neighborhood-scale housing types and potential opportunities for the City to add more housing. Each session is open to everyone, but some discussion topics may become focused on an area of the city.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Co-hosted by Como Community Council, Hamline Midway Coalition, and North End Neighborhood Organization
(focused on northwest and central parts of the city)
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Co-hosted by Dayton’s Bluff Community Council
(focused on East Side neighborhoods and the West Side)
Presentation to begin at 6:35 p.m., followed by small group discussions
The engagement website will be updated on the session date with a Zoom link to join the meeting. There is no need RSVP in advance.
Want to learn more to prepare for the engagement sessions? Visit the engagement website for information sheets on neighborhood-scale housing, how the City can add more housing, and housing development considerations. Visit the project website for project background, FAQs, and official memos on the study.
Questions or accommodation requests? Contact or City Planner Emma Siegworth at 651-266-6657.
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